Definition of "The Divine's"
Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine . . .
These terms have been misunderstood and completely misused in recent years, let’s set things straight!
The most important point to remember is that regardless of physical gender, we all embody both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies. Physical gender has no bearing on which Divine is predominant within you at any given time. You may find yourself in extreme Divine Masculine mode for many years while being a physical female. One of the most common situations for this scenario is seen in single mothers (Me included, I lived in my masculine energy for YEARS! Because I felt I had to). Another common scenario is a physically gendered male that embodies numerous Divine Feminine traits (waits for life to land in their lap and plays the victim).
We are not here to judge. We are here to step back and become aware of where we are out of balance with our Divine’s. Notice which characteristics you embody, when, and what triggers them. Pay attention to where you can embody them more fully. Where can we soften? Where can we stand more firmly in our power?
The goal is to integrate the left and right sides of the brain, to BALANCE the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine so that they work in unison rather than battle one another.